Male failure is a psychological problem

Potency - How to Boost Potency at Home
Herbs to increase libido
Nettle Masculine Power
Ginseng Root Restoration Potency
Thyme - First Assistant
Calamus rhizome turns men into love giants
St. John's wort keeps away all misfortunes
Rowan and Rosehip Recipes for Teens
- Rowan – 150 g, rose hips – 50 g, amla leaves – 50 g, water – 1 liter. Boil everything for twenty minutes and drink a cup three times a day.
- Roasted hemp seeds (1 teaspoon) should be consumed before meals.
Rhodiola rosea - recovery in three days
Garlic – as a desire stimulant
Honey and Propolis
aloe vera
Pumpkin seeds treat prostatitis
Poplar Bark - Increases libido in 5 seconds
Aspen Bark Recipe
- Pour 200 g of bark into one liter of boiling water. You can take 100ml after one hour, 3 times a day. The shelf life of this decoction is no more than two days.
- Mix equal parts of poplar bark and propolis extract. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily. spoon.
- Soak aspen bark in alcohol for two weeks. Take 50 grams before meals.